A cool app that helps you identify technologies used on any website
Do you use productivity tools like notion or miro. Have a look at the Walling app.
GPT is everywhere. I found this app quite useful. A search engine for developers
Replit is awesome. They have a bounties page which is kind of like a marketplace but more focused on getting your projects done by top people on the website.
Mr Beast is probably one of the most influential and creative person on the internet. Do you know he has a careers page. Apply and work with Mr beast. 😎❤️
Want to work with top companies on open source projects ? Try applying for MLH ( major league hacking ) . It has really good credits.
GitHub has a cool accelerator which helps jumpstarting new careers in open source.
Web3 folks ! Check out Cloudflare’s Web3 offerings on IPFS and Ethereum networks. The pricing is really attractive.
Building a website that integrate numbers from your GitHub stats ? Check this page.
If you are into creative coding and generative art you must check out this artist and the course offered. It is really one of the best courses I have taken.
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