Kuration #14 Popular AI programming game competitions
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I really liked the minimal design and concept of this one product eCommerce project. Checkout the builder’s other projects.
Here is a very useful project for generating clean and beautiful ReadMe files.
This is an awesome app framework that makes it super simple to turn data scripts into shareable web apps in minutes. No frontend experience required.
If you want to start a company or are looking for startup advice, this website helps you understand startup concepts in a fun way. Very useful for any founder.
Here is a free and MIT licensed project you can host to enable screen sharing directly via the browser 🖥️.
Interested in world class open source machine learning ? Join this community.
Do you enjoy popular AI programming game competitions ? Try competing here 🏇.
Want to learn to build world-class applications on the Stellar network in a gamified experience ? Try this application.
You can now host static website on this free alternative to Github.
Do you want to build an online community like indiehackers ? I found this template that could be very useful.
Thank you for reading 👋 Please subscribe and share if you enjoyed it.
this was really good, thanks