Once a week, on popular demand we present top links and headlines curated for the last week and send out an issue to help our readers catch-up.
Here is a summary of everything last week 🗓
Headlines 🔥
SpaceX Postpones Starship's Second Flight Test to Saturday
Microsoft introduces three new Copilot AI offerings
Using LinkedIn to raise funds
Airbnb spinout Samara, focusing on solving the U.S. housing crisis
Inversion Art- the Y Combinator of the arts world
Quora's Poe introduces an AI chatbot creator economy
YouTube is now cracking down on ad-blockers globally
Instagram developing a customizable ‘AI friend
How to bootstrap an AI startup
Yahoo spin-out Vespa lands $31M investment from Blossom
LinkedIn at 1B users, turns on OpenAI tools
Elon Musk’s “everything app” plan for X
Instagram launches a paid ad-free subscription
Catch up on everything that happened last month in technology and media. Read the monthly summary issue 📍
As always thank you for reading ❤️.