Once a week, on popular demand we present top links and headlines curated for the last week and send out an issue to help our readers catch-up.
Here is a summary of everything last week 🗓
Headlines 🔥
Humane's Ai Pin launches for $699
2023 tech layoffs
Quora's Poe introduces an AI chatbot creator economy
YouTube is now cracking down on ad-blockers globally
Instagram developing a customizable ‘AI friend
How to bootstrap an AI startup
Yahoo spin-out Vespa lands $31M investment from Blossom
LinkedIn at 1B users, turns on OpenAI tools
Elon Musk’s “everything app” plan for X
Instagram launches a paid ad-free subscription
Catch up on everything that happened last month in technology and media. Read the monthly summary issue 📍
As always thank you for reading ❤️.